Currently listening to
Down to Earth by Justin Bieber (acoustic version)
never thought of searching that song not to mention actually clicking the PLAY button.
but i will do that from today.
ever since.
i watched NEVER SAY NEVER 3D today at queensbay golden screen with AiJune, the ultimate bieber fan !
thankyou for giving me this great opportunity to get to know such a talented artist himself, Justin Drew Bieber.
i even followed him on Twitter… i dont know what made me do that, is it the hair of his? or is the fact that how he sang so well in acoustic version? or the way he danced to his lyrics on his my world tour?
Oh well. nevermind
i just want to tell you, i m sort of a bieber fan now :)
I dont know why i am so immature for hating him with the other haters, and humiliating how he sings… without even listening to him. not even reading his tweets, not even read articles about him.
but not now, Kingsley.
i became a true belieber right now.
i thank how god brought such talented gift down to earth, an angel himself giving us great music and great personality.
i like how he treated his fans, and how he closes his eyes when he sings,
it’s not the looks.
it’s his spirit that made me fell in love with him,
to the 9million beliebers out there,
you are lucky, to have Justin
i felt lucky having to watch the movie in 3D itself !
how the movie starts and how pattie talks about Justin, and how Scooter tells us about the spark when he saw Justin sing.
the way he bang those drums when he was a little kid.
the fact that he should be leaving the word normal and start making himself normal in this new normal.
the movie is indeed a great success.
thankyou Justin Bieber, for being here on earth.,..
i dont know how many times should i say this but i am not here ranting about how HOT he is or how he gives me orgasms, (NOT)
i am here to tell you,
How talented he is and why i understand he has 9 million beliebers and having all his tickets in MSG sold out in 22 minutes and how he gives girls butterflies in stomachs. How he drank that dinosaur pee just not to disappoint his fans.
how he have to wake up early to go to radio stations just because he likes music.
he changed a lot since 2009, since OLLG,
i saw how he treated those OLLGs, and how he gave them roses, and how he held the OLLG’s hand.
maybe i am in a Bieber fever now.
i will be reading his tweets
i will be in grief for not attending his concert.
i will be hating and cursing Selana Gomez for dating him
that bitch
i should be blessing them.
supporting team Jelena…
i can’t
because i still feel that he deserves the better.
someone who’s just… not … her.
i really love you.
okay i m ranting .
people who havent even watch NSN3D,
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