You spend your morning making sure you look cute for that special someone that you've liked since grade school.
Author's comments about this article:
Every girl can relate to this piece and the song "Invisible" by Taylor Swift. It's so true, and everyone goes through that time when someone just doesn't seem to see you the way they should.
He barely notices you. You've already been having a bad day, but lately he's been ignoring you more and more, and you feel played. He flirts, ignores, flirts, ignores, ongoing cycle of hurt that makes your wounded heart shatter into a million pieces. The tears well up behind your eyes, but they won't come, and no one can see beyond your big brown eyes to the hurt that lies beneath them.
You have lots of friends, and your a peppy,athletic person who has everything going for you and is constantly busy so you don'thave time to think about what's crushing your soul.
You pray for a miracle, and finally realize that if you're not worth his heart, then he's not worth your time.
Every girl struggles with what you struggle with, (Taylor Swift songs, anyone?) but it still feels like you're the only one in the world that has to go through it.
The realization hits you, though, that he's not worth it.
You feel like your in love and this person is someone you had always dreamed about.
You decide to still like him, but he's not worth the tear droplets that form beneath your eyes.
He's really not worth it.
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