#now playing
That man opposes- Dalmatian
It is surprising to see how fast time flies.
Now i will be summarizing of my GLORY days back in a few weeks.
Time traced me back on the
That will be a historic day for me , this year, that day, and every second i was within
the sparks of THE 16TH OF JULY
Yes, the moment the 10 of us are up there
Holding the faith we all had.
Without fear.
Thanks Lion Ong for the pictures
Here comes CINPEIN the handsome guy.
Our story is about a playboy that attracts 9 girls who are close friends and are all unnoticingly played by this guy until they found out the three of them are played.
they then took revenge in the end, and of course united as best friends once again.
Thank you to SUYIN for drawing this for all of us <3
The moment after we finished.
After party
i love the way we are that time.
all of us without makeup !
suyin drew that
i look so dark nyway
erm .
big family
me and handsome guy
peihuah the awesomeeee drummer \m/
with make up !!
zho siao
pretty huay wei !!
sunny with eye lashes !!
shuai ge with 3 pretty ladies
carmen !
ahh renxian <33
take 2
ee vone !
pretty eevone, sunnyyy, lisaaaa, suyin !!
like !
with zoe wong !
ke ai !
like !
likee likee likeeeee !
again !
with shunyee MEI NV
my darlingg
woeishin !
pn peh !!!
me and lifei , hubby
yan yan !
xiao ji !
yijun !!
thanks stanley !
me with denzel !
vyron !
jiaxin, yeewon, yongfei, tzesin !
To think back about it, i did regretted about a LOT of things. i really want to turn back time !
we should have taken more photos, right ?
WE SHOULD TAKE MORE PHOTOS AND HAVE AFTERPARTY… but our parents restricted so maybe next year? Idk but i really am happy to have accomplished myself from a simple audition that brings us to countless early practices in the mornings for months…
group photo take 1
take 2
rockers for life
hahah !
Look back with no regrets
please remember the moment guys
and the tiresome rehearsals changing our clothes from head to toe.
And now on the magnificent night we shone throughout the lights and performed on stage in front of hundreds of audiences.
the crowd and everything soaked through me. Of course, the moment i was up there, i wanted to do it again the moment the curtains fall and when the lights dimmed .
Maybe time can bring us to the past again but the only thing i know i did enjoyed every morning.
the time when we went prangin to hunt for clothes…
yes there we are all in blue
with carmen in the CLEAAAN TOILET !
Whatever we will be in the future, i dont care
I just hope we all can remember this thing that holds between the 10 of us, the bond within us… that kept us believing in ourselves and finally brought ourselves up there on that very night.
Nobody knows whatever the 10 of us been through.
No one knew how we fought over high heels and sneakers, and how we practiced with a small red radio and how we spoilt the teacher’s radio.
How we fooled around with each other and, the way we practiced and how we started so badly but eventually.
I thank the existence of all of you up there on that day/
I hope each and everyone of you read this post really well.
I love you all , equally and most giving way.
In any way, i really missed the times we had in STADIUM, AVA, FRESHBEAT, BERANDA,… everywhere that played through the song from HUH > BGGG
I really want to go for another time.
hows it guys?
ILY IMY ALL !!!!!!!!
the worst leader on earth, the most awesome pengasas