sorry for not updating my blogg…
coz i lazy. haahhh …
Okay. let’s start.
actually nothing happened during friday…. just jingning not in school. so damn miss her that day . =[[ but hey, she’s here in school TODAY !(MONDAY)
let’s start from the morning, where i have a 交流会 from harmonica… coz it’s from 930 to 400 … so i will have to go ttn by 300 so i wore short pants…coz the aircond there spoiled… yeah ==
when i got to sch… and met smarter and xiumin… where everything is cool….until i got up and my senior saw i WORE SHORT PANTS.
so what ?!?! it’s just short pants. i mean… not THAT SHORT.
yeah!so my senior stared at me REALLY SHARPLY as if she’s going to eat me … guhhh . i have never seen her so … fierce and SERIOUS before…. so i almost cried out and ran downstairs to find someone that can lend me a pair or LONGGG SHORTS…..
i asked lots of people and one willing to lend me …
jianing and khai xin helped me (thanks guys .) =]
it’s a pair of old jeans from KE NI …
since keni is quite… er… big sized…
but we’re running out of time and i put on that pair or BIG JEANS….
and feel like >>>>>
i am not being mean…. sorryyy =xxxx
i find my self a BELT… but still not looking goood….
my frens saw me in those shorts and were like WHAT ?!?!?!
no choice. what can i do ?
yiyen lend me her long pants… and it fitted WELL… but…. i still cant really.. you noe adapt and feel comfortable in the pants….
i went to the toilet LOTS OF TIMES just to try this and put that in and put that out. ugh…
conclusion : NOT HAPPY.and everyone has their own size… and taste… so … don go insulting ppl larhhh …. =]
got junice, iyan , sze jin , meiying, constance, shuanying, carmen, and the guys…
SZE JIN’S CREATION which she called them 帅哥…… which i dont’ quite AGREE WITH …
see this , sze jin ?
satisfied ??
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